In case of delivery of orders, we will provide you with an estimate of time required for delivery. Orders will be generally shipped within 2 Hrs to 1 day, depending on the products ordered. However, we cannot guarantee the time of delivery due to external factors such as traffic, delivery locations etc. We also have tie-ups with third parties, who do deliveries on our behalf. We do not have any control on their delivery times and you are requested to get information from them on delivery times. No claim can be made against us in case of early or delayed deliveries. Delivery once received by you should be acknowledged by you and all products are deemed accepted upon delivery to you or the designated address. Delivery will not be redirected to any other address.
We are not liable for deliveries which could not be fulfilled due to wrong delivery address, recipient not available, locked premises, incorrect contact number due to which may make us unable to reach you, recipient not accepting the delivery, product being delivered to neighbour or gate or security, any natural or manmade incident. You can get in touch with our customer care and collect the product as soon as possible from our store.